
Not really sure why we don't have more weddings on a Sunday, it makes for a very relaxed day!
I'm going to admit it, group photo's aren't my favourite bit. I love photographing all the fun and natural stuff going on. So... here are a few tips that should
It's so great to get together a couple of times a year for a styled shoot. It gives everyone involved a chance to test out new products, techniques and styles.

I think The Grain Store on the outskirts of Lewes is just a fabulous place. It transports you to a space of calm as soon as you enter. It is

I have photographed a few weddings at East Court now and the view still gets me. It's aold town mansion from the front which leads of a car park but
SouthOver Grange Lewes Micro Wedding. Couple Photographs on the South Downs
Brighton and Sussex medical school ball at Falmer Court, Brighton, Sussex. Event photography.
Beak Brewery as a Venue and SOuthover Grange to get married was the perfect combination for this laid back and fun loving couple.
What is a documentary wedding photographer.

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