Week 4

This week we looked at equipment and went through an overview of different types of equipment that would suit beginners. There is so much to explore in this area and so you will find a few helpful links in the slideshow for certain aspects. Please let me know if you are thinking of buying a new camera and would like any advice about makes/models. Here are also some other useful links: SELECTING RAW & JPEG https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/lightroom-cc/how-to/raw-vs-jpeg.html CANON – https://www.trustedreviews.com/how-to/change-your-camera-format-to-raw-4246540 NIKON – https://onlinemanual.nikonimglib.com/d3500/en/09_more_on_photography_06.html FUJI – https://fujifilm-dsc.com/en/manual/x-t10/shooting/raw/index.html SONY – https://helpguide.sony.net/ilc/1540/v1/en/contents/TP0000818693.html EDITING SOFTWARE There are quite a few choices for editing software and image libraries. I process a lot of photographs and have to have everything very securely backed up for work. For this I use Lightroom. For my photographs of my phone I use apple’s photo’s in which I try to go through and delete a load once in a while plus favourite photographs. It’s all very time consuming but perhaps trying out 30 minutes a week could be a start… Lightroom – https://www.adobe.com/uk/products/photoshop-lightroom.html?mv=search&mv=search&sdid=L7NVTQ8Y&ef_id=Cj0KCQjw8e-gBhD0ARIsAJiDsaUUWC8-09NSHKypZ3JMsv0bNZHyJjniyR8CFK4jZ9-Cl47aaczqNbwaArNuEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!3085!3!520937987423!e!!g!!lightroom!1422699962!59976286070&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8e-gBhD0ARIsAJiDsaUUWC8-09NSHKypZ3JMsv0bNZHyJjniyR8CFK4jZ9-Cl47aaczqNbwaArNuEALw_wcB Here is also a useful link to how to organise your photographs. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2014/oct/17/how-can-i-organise-all-my-digital-photos Hard Drive https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/buying-guides/best-portable-hard-drives-for-photographers (I have the transcend which is great). Here is a link about storing photographs. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2018/apr/12/how-can-i-store-my-digital-photos-for-ever-external-hard-drive As mentioned in the email, please feel free to download any of the materials from the last 4 weeks. The passwords are subject to changing alongside the documents within after the 6 weeks. All the best for your future photographic endeavours. Best, Kate

Week 3 & Task 3

Week 3 and it’s the final component of the exposure triangle – ISO. Continue to practice on manual with the exposure meter and changing the settings. It will take some time to get used to it so feel free to print out some of the PDF’s and use these to refer back to when you are out and about. Looking forward to seeing your photographs on Facebook or Google drive. If you would like to watch ‘Generation Wealth’ you can currently find it on Amazon Prime. https://www.generation-wealth.com Please find below two helpful printouts.

Week 2

The next step is shutter speed. Again I have a few print outs for you if you would like them and then the slideshow. The task is at the bottom of the page. Please try and keep your camera on S/TV/T (shutter priority) mode all week. To upload images for feedback please use the Facebook group. For anyone that does not have Facebook or would prefer not to please feel free to send to me via dropbox or wetransfer. Let me know if you would like me to help with this. For inspiration watch ‘Salt of the Earth’ which looks like it’s currently on Prime Tv services.


Hello! Please find each presentation for you to view. You will be given a password after each session for each slideshow. WEEK 1& TASK 1 WEEK 2 & TASK 2 WEEK 3 & TASK 3 WEEK 4 Please let me know if you are having trouble accessing any of this by emailing me kate@swanson.me